

毎週月曜日に英語礼拝 米ルーテル教会派遣教師が担当



なお、毎週月曜日は、アメリカのルーテル教会から派遣されている、英会話の教師4人が交替で英語による放送朝礼を行います。英語で書かれた原稿を英語科の教師が翻訳したものを用いて、担当のアメリカ人教師とチャプレンが共同で礼拝を行います。           中学生にはやや難かしいと思われますが、他の学校にはあまりない、20年近く続いている九州学院の教育の特色のひとつといえるでしょう。



Devotional February 20, 2012

John 15; 12

15: 12 This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 





 Mr. Foster and I have travelled to many countries.  One of the



countries we like best is South Africa.  We have worked there with



many very poor people.  Many of these people live in small metal



sheds with no heat or light or water.                      


 There are many orphans in South Africa because AIDS is a very bad         illness in that country.  Many parents die and leave their children with no one to Take care of them, so the church builds orphanages so                    the children have a place to live.  Even though many of the people in the town do not have much money or food or clothing, they give some money or food every week to help take care of the orphans.


 The people of the town may not even know who these children are, but they help to takeare of them anyway. 

This is what we have be taught in the Bible.  We should love one another as God loves us.      

 By helping people who need our help, we are showing our love. The last time we went to South Africa, a woman with two daughters asked me to take their picture. She wanted the picture so that every time her daughters looked at the picture they would remember that she loved them very much.  This woman was dying of AIDS.


We will go back to South Africa again, after we leave Japan.  We will help the orphans.  I hope we can find the two daughters and remind them how much their mother loved them.


Dear Lord,  Please let us remember that there are many people in the world who need our love.  We dont have to go to South Africa to find people who need us.  Let us keep our eyes open and see the need around us.  Let us have the love to help where we are needed.      

